Product center>Animals Diagnosis
Canine relaxin is a polypeptide hormone that relaxes the birth canal of dogs before delivery. It is mainly produced in the luteum of the ovary during pregnancy in mammals. In the body has relaxation pubic ligament, inhibit uterine contraction, soften cervix, stimulate mammary gland development, affect milk secretion and other physiological functions.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
RLN Antigen | rAg | GHCA092 | E.coli | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
RLN-6B6 | mAb | GHMA095-3 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
RLN-2F8 | mAb | GHMA095-6 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Acute phase reaction protein is slightly different in different species, c-reactive protein (CRP) is the most important acute phase reaction protein in dogs. It plays a positive role in the innate immune response of the body, and can show significant changes in a variety of diseases. It is a biomarker of acute infection and inflammatory diseases.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CCRP Antigen | Ag | GHCA056 | Canine | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCRP-1E9 | mAb | GHMA063-3 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCRP-8H6 | mAb | GHMA063-2 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CNT-proBNP | rAg | GHCA102-1 | E.coli | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
It is recommended to use NT-proBNP for early heart disease screening, combined with electrocardiogram and echocardiography for comprehensive diagnosis, and early drug treatment.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CNT-proBNP | rAg | GHCA102-1 | E.coli | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CNT-proBNP-6C8 | mAb | GHMA102-1 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CNT-proBNP-3A4 | mAb | GHMA102-2 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Serum albumin, often abbreviated as ALB. Serum albumin is synthesized in liver and is the most abundant protein in vertebrate plasma.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CSA Antigen | Ag | GHCA054 | Canine | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCSA-3F7 | mAb | GHMA068-1 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCSA-4F4 | mAb | GHMA068-2 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by canine distemper virus. The mortality rate can be as high as 80%.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CDV19 | rAg | GHCA096 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CDV-7G5 | mAb | GHMA110-1 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CDV-3D3 | mAb | GHMA110-2 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Up to now, the virus is prevalent all over the world, is one of the most serious infectious diseases of dogs. Canine infection with CPV has a rapid onset and high mortality, and forms an explosive epidemic. Dogs of different ages, genders and breeds can be infected. This product can be used for vaccine effect monitoring.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CPV27 | rAg | GHCA079-1 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CPV-3A9 | mAb | GHMA114-1 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CPV-4B7 | mAb | GHMA114-2 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Canine coronavirus is a single plus-stranded RNA virus, which causes gastroenteritis symptoms of varying degrees in dogs, characterized by frequent vomiting, diarrhea, depression, anorexia and other symptoms. The disease can occur all the year round, in winter, the disease is the main infection of dogs, dogs can be infected by respiratory tract, digestive tract, feces and pollutants. Once the disease occurs, it can occur in dogs that are difficult to control. The disease is often associated with canine parvovirus, rotavirus, and other gastrointestinal diseases. Puppy mortality is higher.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CCV Antigen | rAg | GHCA058-1 | E.coli | Quality Control | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCV-2E6 | mAb | GHMA112-1 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CCV-8D5 | mAb | GHMA112-2 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Canine adenovirus II type
Canine adenovirus type ii can cause infectious laryngotracheitis and pneumonia in dogs, the disease is more common in puppies under the age of 4 months, the performance is depressed, do not eat, and vomiting and diarrhea symptoms appear.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CAV46 | rAg | GACA054-1 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CAV2-8B2 | mAb | GHMA140-1 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CAV2-5G7 | mAb | GHMA140-2 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
G-protein RV
Rabies G protein is the only protein composition of the virus envelope, is the main factor that determines the pathogenicity of RV, is also the only antigen that stimulates the body to produce neutralizing antibodies, and is related to the budding of the virus. As neutralizing antigens,G proteins are also used to detect neutralizing antibodies in animals and evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
GP-4D5 | mAb | GHMA072-1 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
GP-3E9 | mAb | GHMA072-2 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
N-protein RV
Rabies is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Rabies Virus. N protein is the main component of rabies virus, which has high homology among different strains, and is the preferred marker for diagnosis and screening of rabies virus. G protein is a glycoprotein that forms the surface fibrin of the virus, which can stimulate the body to generate antibodies. The G+N multi-epitope fusion antigen is used for vaccine monitoring.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
NP-21D2 | mAb | GHMA010 | mouse | Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
NP-17F4 | mAb | GHMA011 | mouse | Labeling | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Leptospira canicola
Canine leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by pathogenic leptospirosis. The main manifestations of dogs are hemorrhagic jaundice, high fever, hemorrhagic diathesis, abortion, skin necrosis, edema and other symptoms. The disease occurs mostly in tropical and subtropical areas.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
L112 | rAg | GACA053-1 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
L89 | rAg | GACA053-2 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Toxoplasma gondii causes acute death in animals, abortion, stillbirth and so on. Toxoplasma infection in humans can cause reproductive disorders, encephalitis and ophthalmitis. Serological test is still widely used as an important diagnostic reference. , the detection of toxoplasma specific antibodies from serum or cerebrospinal fluid is an important auxiliary means of Toxoplasma. In particular, IGM positive signals early diagnosis.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
Tox48 | rAg | CHCA083-1 | E.coli | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
Canine pancreatitis
Canine pancreatitis is a disease caused by trypsin secreted by the pancreas through its digestion of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. It is a common disease occurring in the digestive system, with fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fat diarrhea as the main clinical symptoms.
Description | Type | Item No | Source | Use for | Application |
CPL-2H4 | mAb | GHMA131-1 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |
CPL-5C7 | mAb | GHMA131-2 | mouse | Labeling/Coating | ELISA,CLIA,LFT |